Pika Labs just got a huge new update that lets you generate videos with text in them and embed logos and designs into videos.

I’ll show you how to use the new features and cover the best practices.

We’ve created 100’s of videos of encrypting text into videos using the pika.art video generator tool. It’s super easy to generate the text in videos using AI.

The new encrypt text command allows you to enter a text message prompt for a video theme and generate a video of the text message with customized font and text size.

Text Generation using Pika Art

Step 1: Accessing the Chat

Let’s head over to our Discord chat with PikaBot.

Step 2: Encrypting Text

  1. Type /encrypt_text into the message box to bring up the text prompting interface.
  2. Inside the box labeled “message,” enter the text you want to be generated.

Step 3: Creating a Video

Let’s create a refreshing video featuring the word “Pizza,” similar to what you might see in a food commercial.

  1. In the message box, type “Pizza”.
  2. In the box labeled “prompt,” enter the video theme. For this example, we’ll use “pizza sprinkle toppings” as the general video idea.
  3. Press enter to generate the video.

Step 4: Adjusting the Weight Parameter

There’s a new parameter we need to discuss: DW (Density Weight). This controls how closely the video generator follows the text message.

  • DW ranges from 0 to 2, where 0 is the lowest weight and 2 is the highest.
  • The default value is 1, but in my experience, setting DW to 2 yields more consistent text generations.

By following these steps, you should be able to generate a stunning AI video of “Pizza” with a dynamic, refreshing theme.

Weight Factor for Text

Let’s try this again. Type /encrypt_text into the chat, enter fruit into the message, and fruit with water splashing into the prompt.

At the end, type -W 2 to weight our text message more heavily.

Generate the video, and there we go. We got a video with the word Pizza with sprinkle toppings all around it.

Camera Motions + Text

To get more dynamic results, we can introduce camera motions with our Pizza-themed prompt.

Add “-camera rotate ACW” at the end of the prompt. This will generate a video with a camera rotating anticlockwise.

Using rotations on words can distort them sometimes.

To increase the amount of motion, add the “-motion” parameter at the end of the prompt.

It’s a value between 0 to 4, and here I’m using the prompt of “pizza with sprinkle toppings -W 2 -camera CW -motion 4” and a large amount of motion.

We can also try zooming in or zooming out.

Change Text Size

You can change the size of the text with the -size parameter. This is a value between 0 and 100, with the default being 100.

Using the same prompt as before, let’s add “-size 60” to the end of the prompt.

Change Fonts

A super cool feature is the ability to change your font style. Using encrypt_text command again, and this time we’ll use the message Beach day in the prompt, let’s go for Miami Beach.

And just like before, we’ll use -W 2 to weight the text message more heavily.

Let’s also add -motion 4 at the end of the prompt to get more camera movement.

  1. Re-enter Message and Prompt:
    • We’ll go ahead and add our message and prompt again.
  2. Open Font Selection Menu:
    • This time, click on the plus button in the prompting interface.
    • In the popup menu, select font. This will bring up a font selection menu.
  3. Choose a Different Font Style:
    • The default font is modern, which is the font we’ve been using to generate our videos so far.
    • Let’s try the retro font style this time.
    • There are currently five unique font styles to pick from, and they all seem to work pretty well.
  4. Experiment with Fonts and Camera Motions:
    • Here’s an example: comic sans font with a camera zooming out.
    • We can add more camera motions into the videos to get some more dynamic shots.

Controlling Texture of Words

One thing I discovered is that you do have some control over the texture that the words are generated with.

Back to our pizza video, I asked for the words specifically to be generated using blueberries, and it turned out pretty well.

Reference Images with Encrypt Text

Now encrypt text also comes with the ability to use reference images. Don’t get excited though, because I haven’t found this to be very effective.

Now we can select a reference to use. I’ll use this image I generated using MidJourney.

The generated video seems to take some inspiration from the color palette of the reference image but ultimately doesn’t seem to preserve that much structure from the reference we used.

This is also true for other attempts I’ve made to use reference images.

Some things to note: you can generate text of up to 20 characters. It’ll require some trial and error to find the right combination of message and prompt style.

Embed Graphics Into AI Video (Encrypt Image)

Pika Labs Image Encryption Command

Pika Labs also released a new command to encrypt_images. You can attach an image to the prompt, add a video theme, and generate a video using the image design.

Generating a Video with an Image Design

Here’s what I mean. First, I generated a couple of simple logos using MidJourney. Then in the Pika Labs Discord bar, type /encrypt_image.

encrypt image command

In the interface that pops up, I’ll upload this logo that looks like a water droplet and in the prompt box, ask for a garden overhead view. And we get our design nicely embedded into a garden.

Using the -W Parameter

Similar to the encrypt text feature, we can use the -W parameter to control the amount that the video generator weighs our image logo.

This time, using the same reference image and prompt, use -W 2 and let’s also add in -camera rotate ACW to get an anticlockwise rotation. And we get a much sharper landscaping design with a logo.

Encrypting Logos into Different Mediums

You can encrypt your logo into many different mediums such as the hood of a car or clouds in the sky. Here’s a bird logo embedded into a landscape that turned out exceptionally well.

Tips for Using Reference Images

When using reference images, try black and white designs to get the best results. I generated this black and white graphic design of Pikachu in MidJourney with a prompt Pikachu logo black and white graphic design with raw mode on.

Inside the Pikabot, I’ll use the /encrypt image command, then upload my black and white Pikachu logo.

Then in the prompt, enter a beautiful rocky landscape -W2 -camera pan upright, and our Pikachu logo is successfully embedded into a rocky landscape.

Reference Images with Encrypt Image

Exploring Different Themes

We can also try a variety of other themes for the encrypt image feature. You can also attach a reference image for the video theme.

Attaching a Reference Image

Once you’ve uploaded a design and entered a prompt, click on the plus button and select image from the popup menu. This brings up a second image box from which you can upload a reference image for the video generation.

Tips for Camera Motions

Using Camera Motions for Encrypted Words and Images

One tip I have is to use the camera motions feature to get the best out of your encrypted words and images.

Example Without Camera Motion

I generated that same video with an eagle design without any camera motion, and there’s literally no movement at all.

Learning About Camera Motions

Now, if you’re feeling lost about the camera motions feature, don’t worry. Go ahead and read my tutorial on the camera motions feature update.